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The Collapse of the Stresa Front and its Impact on European Diplomacy

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The Treaty of Versailles ended WWI with strict limitations on Germany to prevent future conflicts. However, Hitler's rise to power led to covert rearmament and the Stresa Front's formation by Britain, France, and Italy in 1935. This coalition aimed to deter German aggression but collapsed due to internal conflicts and external pressures, paving the way for the Axis powers and WWII.

The Treaty of Versailles and German Rearmament

The Treaty of Versailles, concluded in 1919, was a peace treaty that brought World War I to an end and sought to prevent Germany from initiating future conflicts. It imposed severe military, territorial, and economic restrictions on Germany. The German army was restricted to 100,000 troops, and conscription was abolished to ensure a professional, non-aggressive military. Alsace-Lorraine was returned to France, and Germany's overseas colonies were forfeited to the Allied powers. The German navy was limited to six battleships, and the country was prohibited from having an air force. The Rhineland was demilitarized to act as a buffer zone between Germany and France, and the Saar Basin was placed under the administration of the League of Nations, with its coal mines given to France. Additionally, the treaty forbade an Anschluss (union) between Germany and Austria and imposed heavy reparations on Germany to compensate the Allies for war damages. Despite these restrictions, Adolf Hitler, who rose to power in 1933, began to covertly rearm Germany, culminating in a public announcement in March 1935 that openly defied the treaty's terms by revealing the existence of an air force and an increase in the army's size.
1930s-style conference room with a polished table, leather chairs, fountain pens, and papers, under a chandelier, beside windows overlooking a garden.

The Formation of the Stresa Front

The Stresa Front was an agreement formed in April 1935 by Great Britain, France, and Italy as a collective response to Germany's violation of the Treaty of Versailles. The signatories of the Stresa Front sought to reaffirm the Locarno Treaties, which guaranteed the borders between Germany, France, and Belgium, and to maintain Austria's sovereignty. The Stresa Front was intended to deter further German aggression and to uphold the collective security framework established after World War I. The Final Declaration of the Stresa Conference was signed by British Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald, French Prime Minister Pierre-Étienne Flandin, and Italian Prime Minister Benito Mussolini. The declaration was a diplomatic effort to present a united front against the challenges posed by Nazi Germany's remilitarization.

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The ______ of ______, signed in 1919, effectively ended World War I and aimed to prevent Germany from waging future wars.




Under the treaty, Germany's military was capped at ______ soldiers, and mandatory military service was eliminated.



The treaty transferred the region of ______-______ back to France and mandated that Germany surrender its overseas territories.




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