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The Fiedler Contingency Model: Understanding Leadership Effectiveness

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The Fiedler Contingency Model of Leadership, developed by Fred Fiedler, posits that effective leadership depends on the match between a leader's style and situational demands. It assesses leadership as task-oriented or relationship-oriented using the LPC scale and evaluates situational control through leader-member relations, task structure, and position power. The model's alignment of leadership style with environmental factors is key for organizational success.

Exploring the Fiedler Contingency Model of Leadership

The Fiedler Contingency Model, formulated by psychologist Fred Fiedler in 1967, asserts that there is no one best way to lead. Instead, leadership effectiveness hinges on the interplay between a leader's inherent style and the control afforded by the situation. The model categorizes leadership styles as either task-oriented or relationship-oriented and evaluates the situation based on three contextual variables: leader-member relations, task structure, and the leader's position power.
Diverse team in a boardroom meeting with a South Asian woman leading the discussion, city skyline visible through the window, sunny day outside.

The Core Principles of Contingency Theory in Leadership

Contingency theory in leadership, exemplified by Fiedler's model, recognizes that leadership must be adaptable to the context in which it is exercised. It is one of the principal theories that shaped the understanding of leadership adaptability, alongside other notable models such as Hersey and Blanchard's Situational Leadership Theory, House's Path-Goal Theory, and Vroom and Yetton's Normative Decision Model. These theories collectively underscore the significance of environmental and situational variables in determining the most suitable leadership approach.

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According to the model, leadership styles are classified as either ______-oriented or ______-oriented, with effectiveness determined by leader-member relations, task structure, and the leader's ______ power.





Fiedler's Model Key Aspect

Leadership effectiveness tied to situational context and leader's style.


Hersey and Blanchard's Theory Focus

Leadership adapts to followers' maturity and competence levels.


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