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Exploring the influence of war and conflict on global development, this overview examines the transformation from traditional to modern warfare, the complex dynamics of contemporary conflicts, and the theoretical perspectives on their causes. It also delves into the conflict trap's implications for development and the detrimental economic impacts of war, highlighting the need for international peacebuilding efforts.
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Conflict arises from disagreements and can escalate to violence, impacting global development
Traditional Wars
Traditional wars are fought between nation-states and are based on ideological or territorial disputes
Modern Conflicts
Modern conflicts involve internal disputes within states and are often driven by identity politics, such as ethnic or religious affiliations
Understanding the differences between war and conflict is crucial for assessing their impact on global development and addressing their challenges
Conflicts such as the Bosnian War, the conflict in Ukraine, and the civil war in Yemen demonstrate the diverse causes and manifestations of modern warfare
Each conflict requires a nuanced understanding to effectively address the challenges they pose to global development
This theory links conflict to overpopulation and resource scarcity, suggesting that environmental pressures can lead to competition and violence
This theory posits that conflict is a byproduct of the development process, with the expectation that as societies modernize, the incidence of war will decrease
This theory attributes conflict to external factors such as exploitative international relations and economic dependencies that perpetuate global inequalities
The conflict trap describes the vicious cycle where poverty can lead to conflict, and conflict, in turn, exacerbates poverty, impeding development
Breaking out of the conflict trap is essential for achieving sustainable development and often requires international efforts to support peacebuilding and reconstruction initiatives
The direct costs of conflict, such as military expenditures, divert resources away from critical development needs and can lead to long-lasting damage
Indirect costs of conflict include the destruction of infrastructure, disruption of trade, and deepening of poverty and debt, hindering economic development
War and conflict result in immense human suffering and have a significant economic impact, with the 2019 estimate of the global cost being $14.5 trillion according to the Global Peace Index