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Understanding Anarcho-Capitalism: Definition and Origins

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Anarcho-capitalism combines anarchism's stateless society ideal with capitalism's private ownership. It's influenced by classical liberalism and individualist anarchism, with thinkers like Murray Rothbard and Gustave de Molinari shaping its development. The philosophy's compatibility with traditional anarchism is debated, reflecting a clash between individualist and collectivist views in political economy.

Understanding Anarcho-Capitalism: Definition and Origins

Anarcho-capitalism is a political philosophy that merges the principles of anarchism—advocating for a stateless society—with capitalism, which supports private ownership of the means of production. Proponents envision a society where free individuals engage in voluntary transactions within an unfettered market economy, devoid of governmental interference. The term "anarchy" typically signifies the absence of hierarchical structures, which appears contradictory to the hierarchies that capitalism can create. Nonetheless, anarcho-capitalists differentiate between coercive state power and voluntary governance, endorsing the latter as a form of organization arising from free association. Murray Rothbard, a key proponent of anarcho-capitalism, described an anarchist society as one devoid of any legal sanction for coercive aggression against a person or their property.
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Classical Liberalism's Influence on Anarcho-Capitalism

Anarcho-capitalism has intellectual roots in classical liberalism, which champions individual liberty and minimal state intervention. Historians like Ralph Raico have noted that classical liberal thinkers inadvertently paved the way for the development of anarcho-capitalism, sometimes referred to as market anarchism. Gustave de Molinari, a 19th-century Belgian economist, is often recognized as the first to articulate the idea of privately produced security services, a cornerstone of anarcho-capitalist thought. Murray Rothbard later elaborated on these concepts, and Hans-Hermann Hoppe acknowledged Molinari's significant theoretical contributions. Although Molinari did not use the term "anarcho-capitalism," his proposals bear a strong resemblance to the philosophy, and Rothbard cited Molinari's work as the earliest known expression of anarcho-capitalist ideas.

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Anarcho-capitalism: stateless society?

Advocates for a society without a state, where all interactions are voluntary and private property is upheld.


Anarcho-capitalism vs. traditional anarchy

Differs from traditional anarchy by supporting private ownership and voluntary hierarchies, not opposing all hierarchies.


Role of voluntary governance in anarcho-capitalism

Endorses systems of self-governance emerging from free association, as opposed to coercive state power.


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