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Cuban Foreign Relations

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Cuban foreign relations have undergone significant changes from the U.S. intervention in the Cuban War of Independence to the present day. The 1959 Cuban Revolution and the Cold War era, including events like the Cuban Missile Crisis, have shaped Cuba's international stance. In the post-Cold War era, Cuba has adapted its foreign policy to the global political landscape, focusing on economic diversification, medical diplomacy, and advocating for the end of the U.S. embargo.

The Evolution of Cuban Foreign Relations

Cuban foreign relations have been profoundly influenced by its historical interactions with the United States, beginning with the U.S. intervention in the Cuban War of Independence against Spain. Following the Spanish-American War, the Platt Amendment granted the U.S. significant control over Cuban affairs, which lasted into the early 20th century and was characterized by American dominance in key economic sectors, including the sugar industry. The 1959 Cuban Revolution, led by Fidel Castro, established a socialist government and aligned the nation with the Soviet Union, prompting the U.S. to impose a comprehensive trade embargo that still impacts Cuba's international relations today.
Handshake between a military officer in olive green uniform with Cuban insignia and a civilian diplomat in a dark suit, set against a formal, blurred background.

The Cuban Revolution's Global Impact

The Cuban Revolution dramatically altered the island's foreign policy, particularly in its relationship with the United States and the global community. The U.S. reacted to Cuba's Soviet alignment by instituting a trade embargo and sponsoring the failed Bay of Pigs invasion. Cuba's foreign policy also included support for revolutionary movements in Latin America and Africa. The Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962 underscored Cuba's strategic importance during the Cold War, nearly triggering a nuclear confrontation between the U.S. and the Soviet Union.

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The ______ Revolution of 1959, spearheaded by ______ Castro, set up a socialist regime in Cuba and aligned it with the ______ Union.





Due to Cuba's alliance with the Soviet Union, the ______ responded by initiating a sweeping ______ embargo that continues to affect Cuba's global interactions.




U.S. response to Cuba's Soviet alignment

Trade embargo, Bay of Pigs invasion.


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