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Demographic Changes in Spain

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Spain's demographic shifts are characterized by an aging population due to low birth rates and increased life expectancy. This trend poses challenges for healthcare, pensions, and the labor market, while also offering opportunities for societal adaptation. Policy measures and immigration play key roles in shaping Spain's future demographic profile, with a focus on sustainability and intergenerational cooperation.

Demographic Shifts in Spain's Population Structure

Spain is undergoing significant demographic changes, primarily characterized by an increase in the elderly population. This shift is attributed to advancements in healthcare that have prolonged life expectancy, coupled with a sustained decrease in birth rates. As a result, the median age in Spain is on the rise, presenting a range of social and economic challenges. The current demographic composition shows that 14% of the population is under the age of 15, 65% is between 15 and 64, and 21% is 65 or older, highlighting the trend towards an older demographic.
Elderly friends chat on a bench amidst a lively Spanish city street with greenery, pedestrians, and colorful historic buildings under a clear blue sky.

Causes of the Aging Population in Spain

The aging population in Spain is the result of several interconnected factors. A significant decline in fertility rates, influenced by economic conditions and lifestyle preferences, has led to smaller family units. Concurrently, advancements in healthcare have contributed to a decline in mortality rates, particularly among the elderly, thereby extending life spans. These factors collectively precipitate the demographic transition towards an older population, which poses various challenges but also offers potential benefits to Spanish society.

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Demographic trend in Spain's elderly population

21% of Spain's population is 65 or older, indicating an aging demographic.


Spain's median age trajectory

The median age in Spain is increasing due to higher life expectancy and lower birth rates.


Percentage of Spain's young population

Only 14% of Spain's population is under the age of 15, reflecting a decline in youth population.


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