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European Quest for Trade Dominance and the Age of Exploration

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The Age of Exploration was a pivotal era marked by European nations' pursuit of trade dominance and the establishment of new maritime routes. This period saw the Portuguese and Spanish empires expand their reach through advancements in maritime technology, such as the caravel and astrolabe, and the sponsorship of exploratory voyages by figures like Prince Henry the Navigator. Key events included the discovery of the Americas by Columbus, the Treaty of Tordesillas, and the integration of global trade networks.

European Quest for Trade Dominance and the Age of Exploration

The Age of Exploration, beginning in the 15th century, was marked by European nations' pursuit of trade dominance through the control of maritime routes. The Portuguese, leading this charge, captured Ceuta in 1415, initiating a period of overseas expansion. Prince Henry the Navigator, driven by the goal of finding new trade routes and allies, sponsored voyages that reached the Madeira and Azores islands. These explorations aimed to circumvent the Muslim-dominated land routes by establishing direct sea trade with West Africa and to access the wealth of the Indies' spice trade.
Wooden bathtub with three masts and white sails in the sea, sailors in period clothes at work, golden sunset and land in the distance.

Advancements in Maritime Technology and Navigation

The Portuguese advancements in maritime technology, particularly the development of the caravel, were pivotal to their exploratory achievements. This nimble ship, with its sternpost-mounted rudder and lateen sails, was well-suited for coastal navigation and open sea voyages. The introduction of the astrolabe and improved cartography enhanced celestial navigation, although the problem of accurately determining longitude persisted. These innovations allowed explorers to venture further with greater confidence in their navigational abilities.

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In 1415, the ______ began their period of overseas expansion by taking over Ceuta.



Prince Henry the Navigator was instrumental in promoting journeys that led to the discovery of the ______ and ______ islands.




The explorations during the Age of Exploration were partly aimed at finding new ways to trade with West Africa, bypassing ______-controlled land routes.



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