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The Life and Legacy of Christina Rossetti

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Christina Rossetti, a Victorian poet, is celebrated for her lyrical poetry and association with the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. Her works, including 'Goblin Market' and 'Remember', reflect deep religious devotion and explore themes of love, loss, and morality. Rossetti's influence extends beyond literature, impacting feminist criticism and religious poetry.

Early Life and Education of Christina Rossetti

Christina Georgina Rossetti, born on December 5, 1830, in London, was the youngest of four children in a family with a rich cultural heritage. Her father, Gabriele Rossetti, was an exiled Italian poet and scholar, and her mother, Frances Polidori, was the sister of Lord Byron's friend and physician, John Polidori. Christina was educated at home by her mother, who instilled in her a love for the classics and religious devotion. Her siblings, Dante Gabriel and William Michael Rossetti, became influential figures in the Pre-Raphaelite movement, and her sister, Maria Francesca Rossetti, was an author. The intellectual environment of her household nurtured Christina's literary talents from a young age.
Victorian writing desk with quill and inkwell, candlelight, and open book, beside a floral armchair, Persian rug, and canary in an open birdcage.

Christina Rossetti's Religious Devotion and Literary Work

Christina Rossetti's life was marked by piety and a deep commitment to her Anglican faith, which was a central theme in her writing. Her religious beliefs were shaped by the Tractarian or Oxford Movement, which emphasized the Church of England's Catholic heritage. Rossetti's poetry often grapples with themes of redemption, sacrifice, and the struggle between earthly desires and spiritual aspirations. Her personal life was also influenced by her faith; she ended her engagements to James Collinson and later to Charles Cayley, partly due to religious incompatibilities. Rossetti's convictions led her to volunteer at the St. Mary Magdalene penitentiary for fallen women, an experience that informed her compassionate worldview.

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______ ______ ______, a notable poet, was born on ______ ______, ______, in ______.

Christina Georgina Rossetti

December 5




Her brother, ______ ______ ______, played a significant role in the ______-______ movement.

Dante Gabriel Rossetti



Tractarian Movement's impact on Rossetti

Shaped her religious views, emphasizing Church of England's Catholic traditions.


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