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The Social Construction of News Media

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Exploring the social construction of news, this analysis delves into how editorial decisions and biases shape media reality. Criteria for newsworthiness, organizational influences, and power structures all play a role in the news we consume. Understanding these elements is crucial for interpreting media content.

Understanding the Social Construction of News

News media do not simply reflect reality; they shape it through a series of editorial decisions that reflect the biases and the organizational context of media professionals. This concept, rooted in the work of communication scholar Denis McQuail, suggests that news is a social construct, with editors and journalists playing a pivotal role in determining what is deemed 'newsworthy.' Events that are not reported are implicitly judged to lack news value, and thus, are excluded from the media narrative. This selective process results in a news landscape that is a constructed representation of reality, influenced by the values and priorities of media outlets.
Modern newsroom with journalists around an oval table, digital devices, TV screens and visible broadcast studio.

Determining Newsworthiness

Newsworthiness is a set of criteria used by media professionals to select and present news content. These criteria include factors such as timeliness, significance, proximity, conflict, and human interest. For example, events that are timely and significant, such as a natural disaster or a major political development, are more likely to be reported. Negative news often receives more coverage due to its impact and emotional weight. Stories that resonate on a personal level or are easily understood by the public are also favored in news reporting. These criteria help shape the media's portrayal of what is important and worthy of public attention.

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According to communication scholar ______, news is a social construct shaped by media professionals' decisions.

Denis McQuail


Events not covered by the media are considered to ______ news value and are omitted from the media narrative.



Timeliness in News

Priority to recent events for relevance and immediacy.


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