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The Life and Works of Ernest Dowson

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Ernest Dowson was a prominent poet of the Decadent movement, whose works like 'Non sum qualis eram bonae sub regno Cynarae' explore themes of love, melancholy, and mortality. Despite his brief life, Dowson's contributions to English literature, including his membership in the Rhymers' Club alongside Yeats and Wilde, and his collections 'Verses' and 'Decorations in Verse and Prose,' have left a lasting legacy. His poetry continues to resonate for its emotional depth and lyrical beauty.

Ernest Dowson: A Biographical Sketch

Ernest Christopher Dowson, an influential figure in the Decadent movement of the late 19th century, was born on August 2, 1867, in Lee, London, England. He was the son of Alfred and Annie Dowson, who owned a dry-docking business that initially afforded the family financial stability and allowed Ernest to cultivate an interest in the arts. Despite the family's later financial troubles and Ernest's interrupted education due to travels in Europe, he developed a deep affinity for French and Latin literature, which would later permeate his own writing.

Academic Pursuits and Literary Beginnings

Dowson attended The Queen's College, Oxford, in 1886, where he dedicated himself to the study of the classics and began to publish poetry. His first known poem, 'To a Little Girl,' appeared in the London Society journal in 1886. While at Oxford, he published 'Souvenirs of an Egotist' in Temple Bar magazine in 1888. However, Dowson left Oxford without completing his degree and briefly joined his father's business, which he found unsatisfying. He soon immersed himself in London's vibrant literary scene, becoming a member of the Rhymers' Club, which included luminaries such as W.B. Yeats and Oscar Wilde.

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Ernest Dowson's birth date and place

Born on August 2, 1867, in Lee, London, England.


Ernest Dowson's parents and their business

Son of Alfred and Annie Dowson, owners of a dry-docking business.


Influence of European travels on Dowson

Interrupted education due to travels, but gained deep affinity for French and Latin literature.


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