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Exploring Earth's Hydrosphere

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Exploring Earth's hydrosphere reveals its composition of water in various states and its role in the hydrological cycle. Covering 71% of the planet, oceans dominate the hydrosphere, affecting climate and hosting biodiversity. Human activities, such as pollution and over-extraction, pose significant threats to this system. Sustainable management of water resources is crucial for the future.

Exploring Earth's Hydrosphere

The hydrosphere is a critical component of Earth, comprising all the water in its various states—liquid, vapor, and solid—found in the atmosphere, on the surface, and beneath the ground. It is a dynamic system, influenced by geological processes such as the movement of tectonic plates. Earth's hydrosphere has been present for about 4 billion years and holds roughly 1.386 billion cubic kilometers of water. The vast majority, approximately 97.5%, is saline water in the oceans. The remaining 2.5% is freshwater, most of which is trapped in glaciers, ice caps, and permafrost, with a smaller amount accessible in rivers, lakes, and the atmosphere for human use and ecosystem support.
Underwater scene with colorful corals and tropical fish, school of silver fish and divers in silhouette in the background, sun rays filter into the water.

Water Distribution and the Hydrological Cycle

Water on Earth is distributed unevenly, with oceans covering about 71% of the planet's surface and containing an average salinity of 35 parts per thousand. The hydrological cycle, powered by solar energy and gravity, is the continuous movement of water within the hydrosphere. It encompasses evaporation, atmospheric transport, and precipitation, as well as surface and subsurface flows. Water is stored in various reservoirs, including oceans, ice caps, and aquifers. This cycle is essentially a closed loop, with the total amount of water on Earth remaining relatively constant, though it can be redistributed and change phases.

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Hydrosphere composition by water type

97.5% saline water in oceans, 2.5% freshwater.


Freshwater distribution

Most freshwater in glaciers, ice caps, permafrost; less in rivers, lakes, atmosphere.


Hydrosphere's age

Approximately 4 billion years old.


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