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The Cognitive Interview (CI) is a technique developed by psychologists to improve eyewitness testimony reliability. It involves mental reconstruction, varied recall, and perspective shifts to enhance memory retrieval. The Enhanced Cognitive Interview (ECI) further addresses social dynamics for better results. Empirical studies validate CI's effectiveness in providing detailed, accurate accounts, making it a vital tool in criminal investigations.
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The cognitive interview was developed to improve the reliability of eyewitness testimony by using specific cognitive strategies
Mental Reinstatement of Context
Witnesses are asked to recreate the environment and their emotional state at the time of the incident
Detailed Reporting
Witnesses are encouraged to provide every detail they can recall, even if it seems trivial
Recalling Events in Different Orders
Witnesses are asked to recall events in different chronological orders to disrupt the influence of expectations or pre-existing schemas on memory recall
The enhanced cognitive interview incorporates additional elements, such as establishing rapport and avoiding leading questions, to address the social dynamics of the interview
Studies have consistently shown that the cognitive interview elicits more accurate and detailed information compared to standard interview techniques
The cognitive interview is effective in eliciting rich, detailed memories from witnesses and can be applied to a diverse range of individuals and types of crimes
The cognitive interview is more time-consuming and resource-intensive than standard interviews and its success can vary depending on the interviewer's skill and the witness's state of mind
Some foundational studies have been critiqued for their lack of ecological validity, highlighting the need for ongoing research and refinement of the cognitive interview
Ongoing research and refinement of the cognitive interview is crucial to ensure its effectiveness in practical law enforcement settings
The cognitive interview continues to be a valuable asset for law enforcement agencies seeking to obtain high-quality eyewitness testimony