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Biodiversity Hotspots

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Biodiversity hotspots are regions with exceptional levels of endemic species and significant habitat loss. Covering only 2.4% of the Earth's land surface, these areas contain 60% of the world's species, making them vital for conservation. The text explores global importance, conservation initiatives, geographic distribution, critiques, and future strategies for preserving these critical ecosystems.

Defining Biodiversity Hotspots

Biodiversity hotspots are regions with a high level of endemic species that are experiencing extreme threats to their natural habitats. Introduced by Norman Myers in 1988, the concept has evolved to identify areas with at least 1,500 endemic vascular plants and where 70% or more of the original habitat has been lost. Currently, 36 recognized hotspots, which cover just 2.4% of Earth's land surface, are home to an astonishing 60% of the world's plant, bird, mammal, reptile, and amphibian species. These hotspots are crucial for conservation as they contain unique species that exist nowhere else.
Aerial view of the dense canopy of a rainforest with a blue and green macaw in flight, reflections of sunlight on a meandering stream.

Global Importance of Biodiversity Hotspots

Biodiversity hotspots hold immense global value due to their rich species diversity and the critical threat they face from habitat destruction. Some hotspots have up to 15,000 endemic plant species and have suffered up to 95% habitat loss. Notable areas under threat include the Caribbean Islands, the Tropical Andes, and Sundaland. The expansion from the original ten hotspots to the current 36 reflects a significant loss of habitat, emphasizing the urgency to protect these areas where a disproportionate amount of the world's biodiversity resides.

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______ hotspots are identified by their high number of unique species and the severe threats to their habitats.



The hotspot concept, introduced by ______ in ______, specifies regions with a significant number of endemic vascular plants.

Norman Myers



There are ______ recognized biodiversity hotspots covering only ______ of the Earth's terrestrial surface.




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