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Gli avverbi di frequenza e i diversi tempi verbali futuri sono essenziali per esprimere con precisione la frequenza e la pianificazione delle azioni in inglese. Questi strumenti grammaticali permettono di descrivere azioni che avverranno, intenzioni e decisioni improvvise, fornendo una gamma di opzioni per comunicare efficacemente in contesti vari.
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It refers to an action planned at future
Present continuous + expression of time
What are you doing this evening? I am going to the restaurant
It refers to an action without a time, or to a sudden decision, or to future habitual actions or to predictions
will + basic verb form
What will you do? I will go abroad Spring will come again It will be sunny/There will be sun tomorrow
It refers to actions in a next future or to mean an intention
be going to + infinitive verb form
What are you going to do? I am going to study
1. Negative infinitive
To be or not to be I decided to go/ not to go…
2. Preposition of and for + infinitive form
I asked the ticket price a. to go to the station b. for going to the station She suggested me a. to book the flight b. of booking the flight
Conjunctions and verb
Before, after, while + verb
Before going, be sure everything is right
Will be + ing
What will you be going tomorrow? I will be leaving
Will have + past participle
What will you have done by tomorrow? By tomorrow I will have finished to study
will have been + ing
What will have you been doing by the end of the year?
I speak English very well
I often speak English I am often hungry