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The Coup of 18 Brumaire: A Turning Point in French History

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The Coup of 18 Brumaire led by General Napoleon Bonaparte on 9 November 1799 marked a pivotal moment in French history, ending the Directory and establishing the French Consulate. This strategic, largely bloodless coup, supported by key political figures, set the stage for Napoleon's ascent to absolute power, culminating in his coronation as Emperor and significantly influencing France's political landscape.

Defining a Coup d'état

A coup d'état, commonly known as a coup, is the sudden and unlawful overthrow of a government, typically executed by a small group within the state establishment, often involving the military. The term originates from the French phrase meaning 'blow to the state' and denotes the rapid usurpation of power from the existing government. Coups are characterized by their non-democratic nature and frequently involve the use of force or the threat of force.
Late 18th-century French military officer stands with hand in coat beside a table in an ornate room, surrounded by uniformed and civilian figures.

The Context Leading to the Coup of 18 Brumaire

The Coup of 18 Brumaire, which occurred on 9 November 1799, was set against a backdrop of military and political turmoil in France. The War of the Second Coalition, which began in 1798, exposed the weaknesses of the French Directory, the five-member committee that governed France. The Directory was increasingly seen as corrupt and ineffective, struggling to manage the country's internal affairs and military campaigns. This created an environment ripe for a power shift, which would be exploited by those seeking to change the government.

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Origin of 'coup d'état' term

French for 'blow to the state'; denotes rapid power usurpation.


Characteristics of coups

Non-democratic, often forceful or threatening, executed by state insiders.


The ______ of 18 Brumaire happened on ______, marking a significant power shift amidst France's political chaos.


9 November 1799


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