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JavaScript scope is crucial for managing variables and functions, ensuring code modularity and preventing errors. It includes global, local, and block scopes, with block scope introduced in ES6 to address issues like hoisting. Understanding scope is essential for writing predictable, error-resistant code and maintaining a clean namespace.
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Scope determines the context in which an identifier exists and can be referenced by the code
Global Scope
Global scope refers to identifiers that are accessible throughout the entire script
Local (or Function) Scope
Local scope restricts identifiers to the function in which they are declared
Block Scope
Block scope allows identifiers declared with `let` or `const` to be confined to the `{}` block they are defined in
Scope is essential for the orderly management of identifiers and helps to avoid errors and conflicts in code
Function scope applies to identifiers declared with the `var` keyword within a function
Block scope applies to identifiers declared with `let` or `const` within a code block
Block scope addresses limitations associated with function scope, such as variable hoisting and scope leakage
In the compilation phase, the JavaScript engine processes all declarations and hoists them to the top of their respective scopes
In the execution phase, the engine executes the code sequentially, assigning values and invoking functions
The scope chain is a hierarchical structure that the engine traverses to resolve identifier references, ensuring each identifier is accessed according to its lexical scope
Scopes help to avoid global namespace pollution by confining variables to their respective scopes
Local variables are garbage collected once their function scope is exited, contributing to efficient memory management
By leveraging scope effectively, programmers can craft code that is organized, secure, and scalable