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The fundamentals of learning encompass acquiring knowledge and adapting behaviors through processes like habituation, sensitization, classical and operant conditioning, and observational learning. These mechanisms allow individuals to respond to environmental changes and are crucial for personal development. The text delves into psychological research defining learning, the role of experience in behavior changes, and the application of learning theories in various settings.
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Learning is a process that results in a lasting change in behavior or potential behavior
Genetic, Cognitive, Emotional, and Environmental Factors
Learning is highly individualized and can be influenced by a variety of factors, including genetics, cognition, emotions, and the environment
Learning is a continuous process that occurs throughout an individual's life
Habituation is a simple form of learning where an organism becomes desensitized to a repeated stimulus over time
Sensitization is a learning process where an organism becomes more responsive to a repeated, intense or noxious stimulus
Classical conditioning is a form of learning where a neutral stimulus becomes associated with a meaningful stimulus, eliciting a similar response
Operant conditioning is a learning process where the consequences of a behavior influence its likelihood of recurrence
Social learning theory proposes that learning can occur through observation and imitation of others
Habituation and sensitization play a role in everyday experiences, such as becoming accustomed to certain stimuli or becoming more alert to potential threats
Classical conditioning has applications in therapeutic settings, such as treating phobias, and in advertising to create positive associations with products
Operant conditioning is widely used in educational settings and behavior modification programs
Social learning plays a critical role in human development, including the acquisition of cultural practices, language, and social norms