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The Fugitive Slave Clause

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The Fugitive Slave Clause in the U.S. Constitution played a pivotal role in the history of American slavery. It mandated the return of escaped slaves from free states to their enslavers, leading to the Fugitive Slave Acts and escalating tensions that contributed to the Civil War. The clause's careful language avoided the term 'slave', reflecting the framers' conflict over the institution. Its legacy is a testament to the nation's complex relationship with slavery, culminating in its abolition with the Thirteenth Amendment.

The Fugitive Slave Clause in the U.S. Constitution

The Fugitive Slave Clause, enshrined in Article IV, Section 2, Clause 3 of the United States Constitution, addressed the legal framework for the return of enslaved individuals who fled from slave-holding states to free states. It stipulated that escaped persons "held to Service or Labour" were to be delivered back to their enslavers upon claim, regardless of the laws in the state where they sought refuge. The clause's language deliberately avoided the term "slave," reflecting the framers' discomfort with the institution and their hope that it might eventually be abolished.
19th-century scene with two anxious African Americans and a Caucasian man pointing towards dawn breaking over a dense, autumnal woodland.

The Constitutional Convention and Slavery Compromises

The Constitutional Convention of 1787 was marked by intense debates over slavery. Southern delegates, whose economies were heavily reliant on slavery, demanded protections for their interests, including the recovery of escaped slaves. Northern delegates, some of whom recognized the moral reprehensibility of slavery, faced a dilemma in reconciling their principles with the political necessity of unifying the nation. This led to a series of compromises, including the Fugitive Slave Clause, which was essential for securing the support of Southern states for the Constitution.

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Location of Fugitive Slave Clause

Article IV, Section 2, Clause 3 of U.S. Constitution.


Fugitive Slave Clause Terminology

Avoided 'slave'; used 'persons held to Service or Labour'.


Impact on State Laws

Clause superseded state laws, requiring return of escaped enslaved people.


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