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The Role of Hypotheses in Psychological Research

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Exploring the function of hypotheses in psychological research, this overview highlights their role as the foundation for scientific inquiry. Hypotheses provide structured predictions about the relationship between independent and dependent variables, guiding the research process. They must be precise, testable, and falsifiable, informed by literature, and crucial for advancing scientific understanding in psychology.

The Function of Hypotheses in Psychological Research

Hypotheses are the bedrock of psychological research, providing a structured approach to scientific exploration. A hypothesis is a specific, testable prediction about the expected outcome of a study, formulated based on theoretical underpinnings and existing empirical evidence. It delineates the anticipated relationship between the independent variable (IV)—the cause or intervention—and the dependent variable (DV)—the effect or outcome. By establishing a clear and focused research question, hypotheses are instrumental in defining the scope and objectives of a study, ensuring that the research is systematic and empirical.
Laboratory with wooden table, stacked notebooks, beaker with clear liquid, stopwatch, notice board with photo and green plant.

Characteristics of a Scientific Hypothesis

A scientifically sound hypothesis must possess several key attributes. It should be a precise and predictive statement that clearly articulates the expected relationship between the IV and DV. The hypothesis should be informed by a comprehensive review of the literature and not be based on conjecture. It must be operational, with variables defined in measurable terms, and it should be falsifiable, meaning that it can be disproven through empirical evidence. This falsifiability is a cornerstone of the scientific method, allowing hypotheses to be rigorously tested and, if necessary, refuted or revised.

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Definition of a hypothesis in research

A specific, testable prediction about the outcome of a study based on theory and evidence.


Relationship between IV and DV in hypotheses

Hypotheses predict the effect of the independent variable (IV) on the dependent variable (DV).


Purpose of hypotheses in research design

To define the study's scope and objectives, ensuring systematic and empirical investigation.


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