Eyewitness identification plays a crucial role in the justice system but is fraught with reliability issues due to psychological factors and stress. Studies reveal that stress can both impair and enhance memory recall, affecting testimony accuracy. The Innocence Project's work with DNA evidence has highlighted the prevalence of misidentification in wrongful convictions, emphasizing the need for corroborative evidence in legal proceedings.
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Confirmation Bias
Witnesses may remember and report information that confirms their preexisting beliefs or expectations
False Memories
Questioning techniques with misleading information can result in the creation of false memories
Co-Witness Contamination
Discussing the event with other witnesses can lead to one witness's account influencing another's
Emotional States
Anxiety can both enhance and impair the accuracy of eyewitness testimony
Weapon Focus
High stress levels can cause a witness's attention to be drawn to a weapon, impairing their ability to recall other details
Eyewitness misidentification plays a role in more than 70% of convictions overturned through DNA testing, highlighting the need for caution in using such testimony
Stress can both enhance and impair memory recall, depending on the level of stress and individual factors
Weapon Focus Study by Johnson and Scott
High stress levels can impair memory recall, as demonstrated in a study where participants were more focused on a weapon than other details
Studies by Yuille and Cutshall and Christianson and Hübinette
Some research suggests that stress can enhance memory recall, while the Yerkes-Dodson law explains the optimal level of stress for memory performance
Increased stress levels, particularly among female participants, were associated with a decrease in identification accuracy in a study conducted in an anxiety-inducing environment
Research on eyewitness identification highlights the necessity for critical evaluation of such testimony in criminal proceedings
While studies offer important contributions to understanding the interplay between stress and memory, they may have limitations such as sampling biases
Additional, independent evidence should be used to support eyewitness testimony to ensure fairness and accuracy in legal judgments