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Understanding variables is crucial in psychological research. Independent variables are manipulated to observe effects on dependent variables, while extraneous and confounding variables are controlled. Techniques like randomization and matching are used to ensure the validity of research findings and to maintain the integrity of studies. This knowledge is essential for evaluating psychological studies and their credibility.

Exploring Variables in Psychological Studies

Psychological research hinges on the analysis of variables to understand how they interact and influence one another. Variables are defined as measurable traits or characteristics that can vary among individuals or over time. There are three main types of variables in research: independent, dependent, and extraneous. The independent variable (IV) is the factor that researchers manipulate to observe its effects on the dependent variable (DV), which is the outcome of interest. Extraneous variables are those that are not the focus of the study but may affect the DV, potentially confounding the results if not properly controlled.
Laboratory with three glass beakers with blue liquid and thermometers, green plants illuminated by lamps and gray digital timer on neutral background.

The Function of Independent and Dependent Variables

In experimental research, the independent variable is the condition or component that the researcher changes or controls to examine its effect on the dependent variable. The dependent variable is the observed result that is believed to be directly influenced by the IV. For example, in a study investigating the effect of a new teaching method on student performance, the teaching method is the IV, and student performance scores are the DV. Understanding the causal relationship between these variables is essential for drawing valid conclusions from the research.

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______ variables may influence the outcome variable in research, but they are not the primary focus and can confuse the findings if not managed correctly.



Definition of Independent Variable (IV)

Variable manipulated or controlled by the researcher to test its effects on the DV.


Definition of Dependent Variable (DV)

Variable observed and measured for change; expected to be influenced by the IV.


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