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Expulsion and Persecution of Jews in Medieval Europe

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The late medieval period in Europe was marked by the expulsion of Jews, the fragmentation of political power, and the rise of influential dynasties. Conflicts like the Hundred Years' War and the decline of Byzantium set the stage for the Ottoman Empire's ascension. Cultural and intellectual revivals, technological innovations, and artistic achievements characterized this transformative era.

Expulsion and Persecution of Jews in Medieval Europe

Throughout the medieval period, Jewish communities in Europe were subjected to widespread persecution and expulsion. In 1306 and again in 1394, France expelled its Jewish population, a fate echoed in various German states where Jews were frequently banished from cities. In contrast, Jewish financiers were encouraged to settle in the kingdoms of Hungary and Poland, where they were offered protection. Spain was the site of violent pogroms in 1391, which led to the forced conversion of many Jews to Christianity. Those who remained faithful to Judaism were expelled in 1492, a decree mirrored in Portugal in 1497. Many of these refugees found sanctuary in the more tolerant Ottoman Empire. These expulsions had a profound effect on the Jewish diaspora, altering the cultural and demographic composition of European societies.
Medieval street scene with people in period clothing and donkey carts on cobblestones, half-timbered buildings and gothic cathedral in the background.

The Political and Dynastic Landscape of Late Medieval Europe

The political landscape of late medieval Europe was highly fragmented, comprising numerous independent entities. Influential dynasties such as the Luxembourgs, Habsburgs, and Jagiellonians controlled multiple territories, often in partnership with local nobility. These rulers, however, lacked the power to redistribute resources across their domains without the consent of regional elites. Legislative assemblies, where the elite negotiated fiscal and military matters, became increasingly common. The legal system also evolved, with the administration of justice gradually shifting to trained legal professionals. Additionally, elective monarchies became more prevalent in Central Europe and Scandinavia, reflecting the nobility's preference for local rulers over foreign domination.

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Jewish communities were expelled from France in ______ and ______, and from various German states.




Spain saw violent ______ in 1391, leading to forced conversions, with a subsequent expulsion of Jews in ______.




Influential Dynasties of Late Medieval Europe

Luxembourgs, Habsburgs, Jagiellonians controlled territories, often allied with local nobles.


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