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The Influence of Enlightenment on the Declaration of Independence

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The Declaration of Independence is a historic document that embodies Enlightenment ideals, advocating for equality, natural rights, and a government by consent. It reflects the influence of philosophers like John Locke and Montesquieu, emphasizing a social contract and balanced governance. These principles have shaped the political landscape of the United States and continue to influence its democratic framework.

The Declaration of Independence: A Manifesto of Enlightenment Ideals

The Declaration of Independence, a cornerstone of American history, eloquently proclaims the colonies' separation from Great Britain and outlines the philosophical foundation of the new nation. It is infused with Enlightenment ideals, as seen in its famous phrases about the equality of men and the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. These principles reflect the era's intellectual movement that emphasized reason, individualism, and a social contract between the government and the governed, profoundly influencing the American Revolution and the Declaration's creation.
Late 18th-century writing desk with quill and inkwell, blank parchment, leather-bound books, and a high-backed chair, set against a window with a view of green trees.

Thomas Jefferson's Role in Crafting the Declaration

Thomas Jefferson, the Declaration of Independence's principal author, was steeped in Enlightenment philosophy, which shaped his worldview and writing. Amid rising colonial unrest, the Second Continental Congress tasked Jefferson with drafting the Declaration. His work exhibits the influence of thinkers like John Locke and Montesquieu, particularly regarding the social contract, natural rights, and the concept of checks and balances in government. These ideas were central to the Declaration and to the nascent United States' political framework.

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The ______ of ______ is a pivotal document that announced the American colonies' break from ______ ______.






Principal author of the Declaration of Independence

Thomas Jefferson drafted the Declaration, reflecting Enlightenment ideas.


Role of John Locke's concepts

Jefferson incorporated Locke's social contract and natural rights into the Declaration.


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