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Stratified Sampling

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Stratified sampling is a statistical method used to create a representative sample by dividing a population into homogeneous subgroups, or strata, based on shared characteristics. This technique is particularly useful in heterogeneous populations and allows for detailed subgroup analysis. It ensures precision in research outcomes by minimizing sampling error and bias, and is crucial for studies that require analysis across diverse groups.

Exploring the Fundamentals of Stratified Sampling

Stratified sampling is a statistical technique employed in research to construct a sample that is representative of a population. Researchers divide the population into homogeneous subgroups, known as strata, based on shared attributes such as age, income, education level, or other relevant criteria. Within each stratum, individuals are selected randomly, ensuring that the sample reflects the proportionate characteristics of the overall population. This method is distinct from simple random sampling, which does not guarantee proportional representation of various subgroups. Stratified sampling is particularly advantageous when the population is heterogeneous and when the study aims to analyze outcomes across different subgroups.
Multicolored marbles arranged in groups on a gray surface, with shades of red, blue, green, yellow and purple, viewed from above.

The Rationale and Benefits of Stratified Sampling

Stratified sampling serves to enhance the accuracy and representativeness of research findings by mirroring the population's structure in the sample. This technique minimizes sampling error and bias, which can occur when certain segments of the population are disproportionately represented. By ensuring that each subgroup is adequately represented, stratified sampling yields more precise estimates and allows for more detailed analysis of subgroup characteristics. This is crucial in studies where the population includes diverse groups with potentially varying responses or behaviors.

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In ______ sampling, researchers create a sample mirroring the population by dividing it into ______ based on common characteristics.




Definition of stratified sampling

Sampling method dividing population into subgroups, ensuring each is represented.


Impact of stratified sampling on sampling error

Reduces sampling error by proportionally representing all segments of population.


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