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Definition of Technological Stratification

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Technological stratification encompasses the digital divide and knowledge gap, affecting access to technology and information literacy. This disparity impacts socioeconomic classes within countries and globally, influencing education, employment, and economic development. Efforts to bridge these gaps are crucial for inclusive growth.

Exploring Technological Stratification

Technological stratification refers to the unequal access to technology and the varying levels of proficiency in using it across different social groups. This phenomenon is observed both within countries and on a global scale, contributing to the growing disparities among socioeconomic classes. Technology holds the promise of leveling the playing field by providing universal access to information and development tools. However, the reality is often a perpetuation of existing inequalities due to the uneven distribution of technological resources. Sociologists recognize two primary dimensions of technological stratification: the digital divide, which concerns access to technology, and the knowledge gap, which pertains to the ability to use information effectively.
Multi-ethnic group uses different technologies: child with old-fashioned cell phone, teenager with modern tablet, elderly man with obsolete desktop computer.

The Digital Divide: Uneven Access to Technology

The digital divide describes the gap in access to digital technologies among different demographics, influenced by socioeconomic status, race, geographic location, and other factors. The term was popularized by former Vice President Al Gore in 1996, focusing on the disparity in personal computer ownership. Although the cost of technology has decreased over time, access to the latest innovations remains unequal. Marginalized communities often have limited access to high-speed internet and advanced technological tools, reinforcing the divide. Rural and remote areas are particularly affected by inadequate infrastructure, which restricts their access to vital technological services.

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______ stratification is about the unequal distribution of tech access and skills across various ______ groups.




Definition of digital divide

Gap in access to digital technologies across different demographics due to socioeconomic, racial, and geographic factors.


Impact of digital divide on marginalized communities

Limited access to high-speed internet and advanced tech tools, reinforcing existing disparities.


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