Solar flares, intense bursts of electromagnetic radiation from the Sun, impact Earth's upper atmosphere by ionizing it and causing communication blackouts. These events can also increase drag on satellites and pose health risks to astronauts due to increased radiation exposure. Understanding these effects is crucial for protecting technology and human life in space.
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Solar flares are intense bursts of electromagnetic radiation from the Sun that can impact Earth's upper atmosphere
X-rays and Ultraviolet Radiation
Solar flares emit X-rays and ultraviolet radiation that are absorbed by the Earth's atmosphere, particularly on the side facing the Sun
Magnetic Crochet
Magnetic crochet, or solar flare effect, is observed during particularly large solar flares and is caused by enhanced electrical conductivity in the ionosphere's D and E layers
Astronauts in low Earth orbit are exposed to the hazards of solar flares, including electromagnetic and particle radiation, which can pose serious health risks
Solar flares can lead to increased ionization in the ionosphere's D layer, disrupting radio communications and causing communication blackouts
The heating and expansion of the Earth's outer atmosphere from solar flare energy can increase drag on satellites in low Earth orbit, potentially affecting their trajectories and lifespans
Solar flares can induce a measurable magnetic field in the ionosphere's D and E layers, creating a distinctive pattern known as magnetic crochet