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The New Jersey Plan and its Impact on the U.S. Constitution

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The New Jersey Plan, proposed by William Paterson, aimed to protect small states' interests by advocating for equal representation in Congress. It countered the Virginia Plan's population-based system, influencing the Great Compromise and the U.S. Senate's structure. The plan's focus on state sovereignty and individual liberties also contributed to the Bill of Rights, highlighting its significance in American federalism and the Constitutional framework.

The New Jersey Plan: A Counterproposal for Representation

The New Jersey Plan, presented by William Paterson on June 15, 1787, at the Constitutional Convention, offered a vision for the United States' legislative structure that differed markedly from the Virginia Plan. It proposed a unicameral Congress where each state would have an equal vote, thus ensuring that smaller states would not be overshadowed by larger ones in legislative decisions. The plan sought to revise the Articles of Confederation to create a more effective federal government while preserving state sovereignty—a reflection of the concerns that smaller states had about equitable representation.
Late 18th-century room with a mahogany table, scattered parchment papers, a quill in an inkwell, a lit candle, and high-backed chairs against stone walls.

William Paterson: Advocate for Small States' Interests

William Paterson, the proponent of the New Jersey Plan, was a statesman and jurist who played a significant role in the early legal and political development of the United States. A graduate of the College of New Jersey (now Princeton University), Paterson practiced law and was a staunch supporter of the American Revolution. At the Constitutional Convention, he championed the interests of smaller states through the New Jersey Plan, emphasizing the need for a federal system that would not allow larger states to dominate the national government.

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Date and presenter of the New Jersey Plan

Presented by William Paterson on June 15, 1787


Legislative structure proposed by the New Jersey Plan

Unicameral Congress with equal vote for each state


New Jersey Plan's stance on state sovereignty

Sought to preserve state sovereignty while revising Articles of Confederation


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