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The Progressive Era in the United States

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The Progressive Era brought significant changes to American society, with Theodore Roosevelt challenging predatory wealth and advocating for social justice. Educational reforms flourished, emphasizing practical skills and civic engagement, while medical and legal professions underwent standardization. The era also saw debates over eugenics and the rise of social sciences, leaving a lasting legacy despite its eventual wane.

Theodore Roosevelt's Stance Against "Predatory Wealth"

Theodore Roosevelt, the 26th President of the United States, is remembered for his vigorous moralistic rhetoric and his commitment to social justice. He frequently denounced the accumulation of "predatory wealth," which he defined as fortunes built on unethical practices such as worker exploitation, monopolistic strategies, and financial deceit. In his 1908 message to Congress, Roosevelt condemned the actions of affluent individuals who manipulated the legal system to avoid regulation, stressing the corrosive effect their behavior had on society's ethical standards and the dangerous precedent it set for young Americans' perceptions of success in business.
Early 1900s American street with man in suit and bowler hat, women in long skirts, horse-drawn carriage, children playing and building with dome.

Prohibition and Its Effects During the Progressive Era

The Progressive Era was characterized by a widespread campaign against alcohol, culminating in Prohibition. The 18th Amendment, ratified in 1919, prohibited the manufacture, sale, and transportation of intoxicating liquors, enforced by the Volstead Act. The movement was largely supported by rural Protestants and opposed by urban Catholics, with organizations like the Anti-Saloon League leading the charge. Although Prohibition aimed to address social problems linked to alcohol, it inadvertently gave rise to organized crime syndicates that profited from bootlegging. The period saw a decline in alcohol consumption but also witnessed the unintended consequences of increased criminal activity, leading to the repeal of Prohibition with the 21st Amendment in 1933.

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Theodore Roosevelt's Presidential Term

26th President of the U.S. from 1901 to 1909.


Roosevelt's Stance on Social Justice

Advocated for fairness, denounced worker exploitation and monopolies.


Roosevelt's 1908 Message to Congress

Criticized wealthy for legal manipulation, warned of impact on societal ethics.


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