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Social Identity

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Exploring social identity, this content delves into how individuals perceive themselves through group affiliations, such as social class, ethnicity, and gender. It discusses the stages of social identity development—categorization, identification, and comparison—and examines the role of society in shaping gender, age, class, and ethnic identities. Sociological theories on role-taking, identity formation, and the influence of societal norms and values are also highlighted.

Exploring the Concept of Social Identity

Social identity is a complex construct that reflects how individuals perceive themselves in relation to the social groups they are part of. Sociologists consider identity to be a social construct, shaped by the interaction between personal beliefs and societal influences. The social identity theory, developed by Henri Tajfel and John Turner, examines this interaction, proposing that our sense of self is significantly influenced by our affiliations with groups such as our social class, family, or sports teams. According to this theory, the development of social identity involves stages of categorization, identification, and comparison, which lead to the establishment of in-groups (groups we belong to) and out-groups (groups we do not belong to), often resulting in a bias in favor of one's own group.
Multi-ethnic group of six people in semi-circle with various clothing, expressing unity and belonging on neutral background.

The Process of Social Identity Development

Social identity formation begins with categorization, where people are sorted into various social groups. This is followed by identification, where individuals embrace the identity and norms of their group, fostering a sense of belonging. The final stage, comparison, involves contrasting one's group with others. This evaluative process distinguishes between the in-group, which an individual identifies with, and the out-group, which they do not. These distinctions are crucial in shaping self-perception and the perception of others within society's framework.

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______ identity is influenced by the groups we associate with, like our ______ or sports teams.




The theory by ______ and ______ suggests our self-perception is shaped by group affiliations.

Henri Tajfel

John Turner


The process of developing a social identity includes ______, ______, and ______, leading to in-group and out-group distinctions.





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