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Attachment in Developmental Psychology

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Attachment in human development is a key factor influencing behaviors, emotions, and thoughts from infancy through adulthood. John Bowlby's attachment theory, supported by research from Lorenz and Harlow, outlines the importance of early emotional bonds. Secure and insecure attachment styles, identified by Ainsworth, affect children's future relationships and are consistent across cultures. This concept is pivotal in understanding the formation of adult romantic relationships and overall interpersonal dynamics.

The Role of Attachment in Human Development

Attachment is a central concept in developmental psychology, which studies the progression and transformation of individuals' behaviors, emotions, and thoughts from infancy through adulthood. The emotional bond known as attachment is crucial for providing a sense of security and closeness, particularly during the early stages of life. John Bowlby, a key figure in attachment theory, defined attachment as a "lasting psychological connectedness between human beings," emphasizing its significance in shaping interpersonal relationships throughout life.
Infant in yellow onesie reaching for adult hands on white blanket, with a blurred wooden toy in the background.

Historical Foundations of Attachment Theory

Attachment theory is grounded in the early works of researchers such as Konrad Lorenz and Harry Harlow. Lorenz's studies with geese led to the concept of Imprinting, which suggests a critical period for bond formation immediately after birth. Harlow's experiments with rhesus monkeys highlighted the importance of maternal care, revealing that its absence can result in severe social and emotional deficits. These foundational studies have greatly informed our understanding of attachment, despite ethical concerns regarding the treatment of animal subjects.

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______, an important contributor to attachment theory, described it as a "lasting ______ connectedness between human beings."

John Bowlby



Imprinting in Attachment Theory

Konrad Lorenz's geese studies; critical bond formation period just after birth.


Harlow's Maternal Care Importance

Rhesus monkeys experiments; lack of maternal care leads to social and emotional issues.


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