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Memory and its Processes

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Understanding memory involves exploring its types—sensory, short-term, and long-term—and their roles in encoding, storage, and retrieval of information. The text delves into the multi-store and working memory models, mechanisms of forgetting, and techniques for memory improvement. It highlights the importance of processes like attention, rehearsal, and mnemonic devices in enhancing learning and recall.

The Fundamentals of Memory: Concepts and Mechanisms

Memory is a fundamental psychological process that encompasses the encoding, storage, and retrieval of information. Encoding is the initial transformation of sensory input into a form that can be stored within the brain's complex network. Storage is the maintenance of this information over time, while retrieval is the process of accessing the stored information when necessary. These stages are critical for learning and remembering, enabling individuals to interpret experiences and build knowledge over time.
Study desk with open textbook, colorful highlighters in a glass, potted plant, digital tablet, and eyeglasses on a wooden surface in a softly lit room.

Classifying Memory: Sensory, Short-Term, and Long-Term Categories

Memory is classified into sensory memory, short-term memory (STM), and long-term memory (LTM), each with distinct characteristics. Sensory memory serves as a temporary repository for sensory information, lasting only a fraction of a second. Short-term memory holds a limited amount of information, around seven items, for a short duration, typically up to 30 seconds without rehearsal. Long-term memory, conversely, has an extensive capacity and can retain information indefinitely. It is subdivided into episodic memory (personal experiences), semantic memory (facts and knowledge), and procedural memory (skills and how to perform tasks).

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Encoding in Memory Process

Initial transformation of sensory input into a storable brain format.


Memory Storage Function

Maintenance of encoded information over time within the brain.


Retrieval of Stored Information

Accessing and using previously stored information from the brain when needed.


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