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Thatcherism: The Political Philosophy of Margaret Thatcher

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Thatcherism is a political philosophy advocating for free-market capitalism, minimal state intervention, and individual autonomy. It emerged under UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, who served from 1979 to 1990, and has since shaped British politics. Her policies included privatization, fiscal conservatism, and a challenge to the post-war consensus, leaving a lasting legacy on subsequent governments.

The Ideological Foundation of Thatcherism

Thatcherism, the political philosophy named after former UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, advocates for a lean government and stresses the importance of individual autonomy and enterprise. This ideology marked a departure from the consensus politics of Britain's post-war era, steering towards a neoliberal and New Right direction. Thatcherism is characterized by its promotion of free-market capitalism, a reduction in state intervention, and the privatization of state-owned enterprises. It also emphasizes fiscal conservatism, aiming to curtail government expenditure and promote deregulation. The economic policies of Thatcherism were influenced by the monetarist theories of Milton Friedman and the classical liberalism of F.A. Hayek, prioritizing the reduction of state influence in the economy while reinforcing state authority to curtail the power of trade unions.
Traders in suits engage in lively discussions on a stock exchange floor with electronic boards displaying green and red market data.

Margaret Thatcher's Political Ascendancy and Leadership

Margaret Thatcher, the United Kingdom's first female Prime Minister, held office from 1979 to 1990. Her leadership style was marked by her firm beliefs and moral conviction, shaped by her middle-class background and an ethos of industriousness and self-reliance. Thatcher secured three successive general election victories, with her 1983 triumph following the successful military campaign in the Falklands War being particularly significant. Her time in office was characterized by bold and often controversial decisions that embodied her unwavering commitment to her principles and her readiness to confront the established norms of British political life.

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______ is a political philosophy that promotes free-market capitalism and was named after a former UK Prime Minister.



The ideology of ______ diverged from Britain's post-war consensus politics, favoring neoliberal and New Right policies.



Margaret Thatcher: Tenure as UK Prime Minister

Served from 1979 to 1990; UK's first female PM; known for strong leadership and firm policies.


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