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The Structure of the Solar System

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Explore the Solar System, a complex assembly of celestial bodies dominated by the Sun, with eight major planets, dwarf planets, and various small bodies like asteroids and comets. The terrestrial planets include Earth, and the gas and ice giants comprise Jupiter and Neptune, respectively. Moons, rings, and the heliosphere add to the system's diversity, all orbiting within the Milky Way.

The Structure of the Solar System

Our Solar System is a complex and dynamic collection of celestial objects, all bound by the gravitational pull of the Sun, a G-type main-sequence star that accounts for 99.86% of the system's mass. At the core of the Solar System, the Sun provides the light and heat that sustains life on Earth. Orbiting the Sun are eight major planets, divided into two categories: the inner terrestrial planets—Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars—known for their rocky compositions, and the outer planets—Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. The latter group includes the gas giants Jupiter and Saturn, which are primarily composed of hydrogen and helium, and the ice giants Uranus and Neptune, which contain more ices in their makeup.
Realistic model of the solar system with Sun in the center, colorful planets in order and asteroid belts on a starry background.

Planetary Composition and Characteristics

The inner Solar System's terrestrial planets are dense and rocky, with Mercury being the smallest and closest to the Sun, and Mars featuring a thin atmosphere and the largest volcano and canyon in the Solar System. The outer planets are much larger and lack solid surfaces. Jupiter, the largest planet, has a Great Red Spot, a storm larger than Earth, while Saturn is distinguished by its extensive ring system. Uranus and Neptune, the ice giants, have a higher proportion of water, ammonia, and methane ices. The Solar System originated from a molecular cloud around 4.6 billion years ago, with the Sun forming first, followed by the planets coalescing from the remaining material in a protoplanetary disk.

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The ______ System includes eight major planets orbiting a G-type main-sequence star known as the ______.




The gas giants, ______ and ______, are mainly made up of hydrogen and helium.




The ice giants, ______ and ______, have a composition that includes more ices.




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