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Variables in Experimental Research

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Experimental research relies on variables such as independent, dependent, and extraneous to examine causality. Independent variables are manipulated to observe effects on dependent variables, while extraneous and confounding variables are controlled to maintain research integrity. Operationalization ensures variables are measurable and the study is replicable.

Defining Variables in Experimental Research

Variables are fundamental components of experimental research, serving as the elements that are either manipulated or observed to assess relationships and causality. A variable must be quantifiable and is defined as any attribute, quality, or characteristic that can vary within the research context. Variables are integral to the scientific method, which relies on the systematic manipulation of an independent variable (IV) to determine its effect on a dependent variable (DV), while also accounting for the potential influence of extraneous variables.
Laboratory with beaker of blue liquid, lit Bunsen burner, graduated cylinder with green liquid and technician adding reagent.

The Role of Independent and Dependent Variables

Independent and dependent variables are the backbone of experimental design. The independent variable is the one that researchers control and manipulate to explore its effects on another variable. It represents the presumed cause in a cause-and-effect relationship. The dependent variable, in contrast, is the effect or outcome that is measured in response to changes in the independent variable. For example, in a study investigating the effect of a new teaching method on student performance, the teaching method is the independent variable, while student performance scores are the dependent variable.

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Definition of a variable in research

An attribute, quality, or characteristic that can vary within the research context and must be quantifiable.


Function of an independent variable (IV)

The variable that is systematically manipulated to observe its effect on the dependent variable.


Role of extraneous variables

Variables outside the intended study that can influence the outcome; must be controlled to avoid confounding results.


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