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Three-Dimensional Vectors

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Three-dimensional vectors are fundamental in describing direction and magnitude in a 3D space. They are denoted by components along the x, y, and z axes, represented by unit vectors i, j, and k. Graphical representation in a coordinate system, matrix formulation, and operations such as dot product, magnitude calculation, and angle determination are crucial for their application in scientific and engineering fields.

Exploring the Fundamentals of 3D Vectors

Three-dimensional vectors, commonly referred to as 3D vectors, are mathematical objects defined in a space characterized by three dimensions, corresponding to the x, y, and z axes. These vectors provide a way to describe both direction and magnitude within a three-dimensional context. A 3D vector is typically denoted by its components along the unit vectors i, j, and k, which are parallel to the x, y, and z axes, respectively. For example, a vector A→ that originates from the point (0,0,0) and points to the coordinate (3,2,5) is expressed as A→=3i+2j+5k, where the numbers 3, 2, and 5 represent the scalar magnitudes of the vector's components in the respective directions of the unit vectors.
3D Cartesian coordinate system with color-coded axes, featuring a yellow sphere, gray cube, purple cone, and orange tetrahedron, all casting shadows.

Visualizing 3D Vectors in a Coordinate System

To graphically represent a 3D vector, it is plotted within a three-dimensional coordinate system that consists of the x-axis, y-axis, and z-axis, which are all perpendicular to one another. The plotting process involves drawing these axes, pinpointing the vector's terminal point (also known as the head), and sketching an arrow from the origin to this terminal point. The coordinates of the head are then labeled to indicate the vector's position in space. This visual representation is instrumental in comprehending the vector's spatial orientation and direction.

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Components of a 3D vector

Represented by scalar magnitudes along i, j, k unit vectors.


Unit vectors in 3D

i, j, k correspond to x, y, z axes respectively.


Magnitude of a 3D vector

Calculated using the square root of the sum of the squares of its components.


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