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Understanding Civil War: Insights from Academia

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Exploring the intricacies of civil wars, this overview discusses academic definitions, thresholds for classification, historical occurrences, and the application of the Geneva Conventions. It delves into the criteria set by scholars like James Fearon and Stathis Kalyvas, the debate on casualty counts for defining civil wars, and the ICRC's criteria for applying humanitarian laws during such conflicts.

Understanding Civil War: Insights from Academia

Civil war, as defined by scholars, is a form of high-intensity conflict that occurs within the boundaries of a single country. James Fearon of Stanford University describes it as a struggle for power at the national or regional level, or for policy changes, waged by organized groups. Stathis Kalyvas views it similarly, emphasizing that it takes place within a sovereign state and involves parties that were under a single authority when the conflict began. Ann Hironaka further clarifies that the state itself must be one of the combatants. These definitions collectively highlight the internal nature of civil wars, the organization of the conflicting parties, and their political goals.
Empty battlefield with torn flag and broken pole, scattered shell casings, abandoned helmets and bare trees in the distance.

Delineating Civil War: Academic Thresholds

The academic community debates the criteria for labeling a conflict as a civil war. A common threshold is a minimum of 1,000 casualties, with some scholars adding that at least 100 deaths must occur on each side. The Correlates of War project, a comprehensive database for conflict research, considers conflicts with over 1,000 war-related deaths per year to be civil wars. This standard, while capturing many significant conflicts, may not account for those with fewer casualties but with profound political and social ramifications.

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______ from Stanford University characterizes civil war as a contest for control at the national or regional level.

James Fearon


Civil wars are conflicts where the state must be one of the ______, as explained by Ann Hironaka.



According to ______, civil wars occur within a sovereign state and involve groups previously under a unified authority.

Stathis Kalyvas


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