Explore the digestive process, where food is transformed into absorbable nutrients for energy, growth, and repair. Learn about mechanical and chemical digestion, the journey from ingestion to nutrient absorption, and the critical role of pH in enzyme function. Understand the diverse digestive systems in the animal kingdom and the adaptations for efficient digestion across species. Hormonal and neural controls ensure the digestive system's efficiency in response to food intake.
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Chewing and churning of food breaks it down physically
Enzymatic Action
Enzymes like amylase break down molecular bonds within food
Mechanical and chemical digestion work together to break down food into absorbable molecules
Food is chewed and moistened with saliva in the mouth before being propelled down the esophagus
Protein Digestion
The stomach begins the digestion of proteins with the help of gastric juices
Protective Functions
The stomach secretes mucus and bicarbonates to protect itself from the acidic environment
Enzymatic Digestion and Nutrient Absorption
The small intestine is the primary site for the digestion of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, and the absorption of nutrients
Surface Area for Absorption
The villi and microvilli in the small intestine greatly increase the surface area for nutrient absorption
Water and Electrolyte Reabsorption
The colon reabsorbs water and electrolytes from waste before excretion
Nutrient Absorption
The colon also plays a role in the absorption of certain nutrients produced by gut bacteria
Some organisms, like fungi, utilize external digestion by secreting enzymes into their environment
Beaks and Teeth
Birds and other animals have evolved specialized beaks and teeth to suit their specific dietary needs
Unique Digestive Organs
Some animals, like ruminants, have specialized stomachs for fermenting plant material
External Pre-Digestion
Some predators, like spiders, pre-digest their food externally with enzymes before ingestion
Herbivores like rabbits engage in coprophagia to extract additional nutrients from their food
The anticipation of eating triggers saliva production and enzyme release
Food's arrival in the stomach prompts the secretion of gastric acid and digestive enzymes
Hormonal messengers like cholecystokinin and secretin regulate digestive secretions and gut motility
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