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Decision-Making in Organizations

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Exploring decision-making in organizations, this content delves into various models such as rational, intuitive, and bounded rationality. It discusses the role of intuition, the impact of cognitive biases, and the importance of structured methodologies for informed, strategic decisions that align with organizational goals.

The Fundamentals of Decision-Making in Organizations

Decision-making is an essential managerial function within organizations, involving a spectrum of choices that range from routine operational matters to strategic, long-term planning. Decision-makers utilize a variety of models to inform their choices, which are influenced by their experiences, available data, and the inherent limitations of human cognition known as bounded rationality. The decision-making process is multifaceted, influenced by the organization's culture, values, and the individual's objectives and biases. Given the profound impact decisions can have on an organization, they must be approached with deliberation and thoroughness.
Five diverse professionals in a well-lit meeting room with a circular mahogany table, discussing with notepads, pens, and water glasses present.

An Overview of Decision-Making Models

The workplace employs several decision-making models, each tailored to address different scenarios. The collaborative decision-making model emphasizes teamwork, the bounded rationality model accounts for cognitive limitations, and the intuitive model depends on instinct and past experiences. These models involve components such as the decision-maker, the issue at hand, the decision-maker's values, projections about the future, the context of the decision, potential alternatives, analytical evaluations, constraints, the selection process, timing, and the communication of the decision.

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Decision-making models

Frameworks aiding choices; include experience, data analysis, and cognitive limits.


Bounded rationality

Human cognition limit; affects decision quality despite intentions.


Impact of organizational culture on decisions

Decisions shaped by company values, culture; affects long-term strategy and operations.


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