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Historical Accounts of the Peloponnesian War

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Explore the Peloponnesian War's history through Thucydides' critical narrative, Xenophon's continuation, and Diodorus Siculus's synopsis. Plutarch's biographies and archaeological findings offer additional insights into the war's impact on Greek society and culture, while Aristophanes' plays provide a satirical perspective.

Thucydides' Detailed Chronicle of the Peloponnesian War

Thucydides' "History of the Peloponnesian War" is the seminal work on the conflict between Athens and Sparta, providing a detailed and critical narrative of the events. As an Athenian general, Thucydides had direct involvement in the war, which he began documenting from the outset. His exile in 423 BC did not hinder his work; instead, it provided him with a broader perspective. Renowned for his rigorous approach to evidence and his attempt at impartiality, Thucydides' account is considered a cornerstone of historical methodology. He admits to reconstructing speeches to capture the essence of the arguments presented. His chronicle meticulously follows the war's progression but unfortunately ends in 411 BC, leaving the concluding years of the war unrecorded.
Collection of ancient Greek finds: bronze helmet of a hoplite, fragment of a vase with warriors and sculpture of a trireme, behind a marble bust of a bearded man.

Xenophon's Extension of the Historical Record

Xenophon's "Hellenica" serves as a continuation of Thucydides' history, covering the remainder of the Peloponnesian War and its aftermath. Xenophon, an Athenian who became a mercenary and fought alongside the Spartans, offers a unique perspective shaped by his experiences. His account, written decades after the conflict ended, is sometimes criticized for its perceived pro-Spartan bias. Nonetheless, "Hellenica" is an invaluable resource for understanding the conclusion of the war and the political landscape that followed, providing insights into the Spartan hegemony and the shifting power dynamics in Greece.

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The seminal work on the conflict between ______ and ______ is 'History of the Peloponnesian War' by Thucydides.




Thucydides was not just a historian but also an ______ general involved in the Peloponnesian War.



Despite being exiled in ______ BC, Thucydides continued his work on documenting the Peloponnesian War.



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