Trigonometry in non-right angled triangles involves the sine and cosine rules to find unknown angles, sides, and areas. The sine rule, expressed as a ratio of side length to sine of its opposite angle, helps calculate missing values when at least one side-angle pair is known. The cosine rule, formulated to find a side or angle using known side lengths and included angles, is crucial when the sine rule is inapplicable. Additionally, a trigonometric formula for calculating a triangle's area without its height is also discussed, showcasing the versatility of trigonometric applications in geometry.
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Trigonometry is used to solve problems involving right-angled triangles
Sine Rule
The sine rule is a trigonometric relation used to find missing sides or angles in non-right angled triangles
Cosine Rule
The cosine rule is a fundamental formula for calculating unknown sides or angles in triangles
Trigonometry provides a formula for calculating the area of a triangle without the need for its height
The sine rule is a set of trigonometric laws and formulas used to determine unknown angles, sides, and areas within any triangle
The cosine rule is another fundamental trigonometric formula used for solving geometric problems involving triangles
The trigonometric formula for the area of a triangle is derived from the standard area formula and is useful for finding the area when the height is not easily measurable