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Total Physical Response (TPR)

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Total Physical Response (TPR) is a language teaching method that combines auditory input with physical actions to enhance vocabulary retention and comprehension. Developed by Dr. James J. Asher in 1969, TPR is particularly effective for young learners and beginners, making use of kinesthetic activities to activate the brain's right hemisphere. While it offers interactive learning and is adaptable to various levels, TPR faces challenges in teaching complex grammar and may not suit all learners.

Exploring Total Physical Response (TPR) in Language Acquisition

Total Physical Response (TPR) is a pedagogical technique employed in language education, particularly effective for teaching second languages. It is based on the comprehension approach, emphasizing the importance of understanding spoken language before producing it. Instructors using TPR introduce new words and phrases in the target language, accompanied by physical actions that students replicate. This kinesthetic approach aids in cementing the language concepts in the learner's memory and is beneficial for learners of all ages, though it is especially appealing to young children and beginners.
Hispanic female teacher leads diverse group of students in TPR activity, arms raised, in a bright, yellow classroom with a plant and whiteboard.

The Development and Core Concepts of TPR

Dr. James J. Asher, a professor of psychology, created the TPR method in 1969, taking cues from the observation that children learn their native language by listening and responding physically before they start speaking. Asher's method posits that language acquisition is optimized through a combination of auditory input and physical response. This multimodal approach is thought to activate the right hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for spatial and kinesthetic activities, thus facilitating better language comprehension and retention.

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TPR emphasizes understanding ______ before being able to ______ it, and involves physical actions to reinforce learning.

spoken language



TPR method creation year

Developed in 1969


TPR method inspiration source

Inspired by child language acquisition


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