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Percentage Increases and Decreases

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Understanding percentage increases and decreases is crucial for analyzing financial, scientific, and statistical data. This guide explains how to calculate these changes using simple formulas. Learn to adjust values by a given percentage and analyze changes over time, with examples like price adjustments and account balance evaluations.

Understanding Percentage Increases and Decreases

Percentage increases and decreases are fundamental mathematical concepts used to express the change in value or quantity in terms of a hundredth. A percentage is a ratio that represents a part of a whole as a fraction of 100, symbolized by the percent sign (%). To calculate the percentage of a number, one multiplies the number by the percentage and then divides by 100. For example, to find 3% of a number, multiply the number by 0.03 (since 3% equals 3/100 or 0.03). This concept is crucial for understanding how to compute the relative change in values, whether they represent growth or decline.
Calculator on wooden desk flanked by ascending and descending stacks of coins, reflecting financial calculations and value representation.

Calculating Percentage Increase

To calculate a percentage increase, identify the absolute increase by subtracting the original number from the new, higher number. Then, divide this increase by the original number and multiply by 100 to express it as a percentage. The formula for percentage increase is: Percentage Increase (%) = (Increase / Original Number) × 100. For example, if a product's price increases from £20 to £35, the increase is £15. The percentage increase is calculated as (15 / 20) × 100, resulting in a 75% increase.

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A ______ is a way to denote a part of a whole as a fraction out of ______.




To determine 3% of a value, one should multiply the value by ______ and then ______ the result.




Percentage Increase Formula

Percentage Increase (%) = (Increase / Original Number) × 100


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