Geoffrey Chaucer, padre della letteratura inglese, ha lasciato un'impronta indelebile con 'I Racconti di Canterbury'. Quest'opera, che ritrae la società del XIV secolo attraverso 30 pellegrini in viaggio verso Canterbury, è un capolavoro in medio inglese che combina versi e prosa. I personaggi, dalle diverse classi sociali, narrano storie che svelano la vita, le credenze e le usanze dell'epoca.
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Portrait (ritratto) of English societyNo aristocracy
they didn’t travelwith commoners(popolani)
they couldn’t travelthey had to workit was expensive
Style and language (STILE E LINGUAGGIO)
Written in middle English
Most of the tales are in verse
They are going on a pilgrimage to Canterbury
structure (STRUTTURA)
General Prologue (characters are introduced)
24 tales (racconti)
It is not finished
buried (sepolto) in Poets’ Corner,Westminster Abbey, London
son (figlio di) of a rich wine merchant in London
middle class (classe media)
worked for the royal family
he travelled in England,France and Italy
he was one of the first poets to writeexclusively in English