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IUPAC Nomenclature for Water

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Exploring water's systematic names, such as 'oxidane' for IUPAC nomenclature and 'hydrogen oxide' for its chemical identity, this overview delves into its amphoteric nature, represented as 'hydron hydroxide' in ionic dissociation. The term 'water substance' is also discussed, highlighting its phase-independent properties and its pivotal role in scientific fields like chemistry, physics, and biology.

IUPAC Nomenclature for Water

Water, vital for all known forms of life, is commonly referred to by its everyday name but also possesses systematic names that comply with the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) nomenclature rules. The IUPAC-approved name for water when considering its derivatives is "oxidane," a term used to denote the parent hydride in substituent nomenclature. For the hydroxyl group, the term "hydroxyl" is preferred. It is critical to distinguish that "oxane" is incorrect for water as it represents a six-membered cyclic ether, also known as tetrahydropyran, which is structurally and chemically distinct from water.
Glass beaker with colorless liquid and immersed pH meter, pipette releases water drop, neutral gray background, soft reflections.

Systematic and Chemical Names for Water

Water is also known as "hydrogen oxide," aligning with the nomenclature of similar compounds like hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S). In the realm of type I ionic binary compounds, water could be named "hydrogen monoxide," but this term is not officially recognized by IUPAC. The name "dihydrogen monoxide" is occasionally used but is more commonly associated with a satirical campaign highlighting the potential hazards of water. Other names such as "hydroxic acid," "hydroxylic acid," and "hydrogen hydroxide" are sometimes used to reflect water's ability to act as both an acid and a base, its amphoteric nature, but these are not standard terms in scientific practice.

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In substituent nomenclature, 'oxidane' is used to denote the parent ______ in water.



The preferred term for the hydroxyl group in water nomenclature is '______'.



'Oxane' is an incorrect term for water; it actually refers to a six-membered cyclic ether, also known as ______.



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