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Significant Figures and Their Importance in Scientific Measurements

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The main topic of this text is the role of significant figures in scientific measurements, which are crucial for indicating the precision of an instrument and the reliability of a measurement. Significant figures include all known digits plus one estimated digit, and are essential in fields like physics, chemistry, and biology for accurately conveying data. The text also discusses the rules for identifying significant figures, their application in mathematical operations, practical examples, and the principles of rounding.

The Role of Significant Figures in Scientific Measurements

Significant figures are integral to scientific measurements, indicating the precision of an instrument and the reliability of a measurement. They encompass all known digits plus one estimated digit, reflecting the level of certainty in the measurement. This concept is vital in fields such as physics, chemistry, and biology for accurately conveying data. Precision refers to the repeatability of measurements, while accuracy relates to how close a measurement is to the true value. For example, a car's mass reported as 1159 kg implies the last digit is estimated; if the mass is known precisely, it would be recorded as 1159.0 kg to indicate five significant figures.
Scientist in lab coat using pipette to add blue liquid to flasks with yellow, green, red, purple solutions on a lab bench with blurred equipment behind.

Identifying Significant Figures: A Set of Rules

A series of rules assists in identifying significant figures within a number. All non-zero digits are significant. Zeros situated between non-zero digits are significant, whereas leading zeros are not. Trailing zeros are significant if they follow a decimal point or if there is a decimal present in the number. For instance, the number 0.0012 has two significant figures (1 and 2), and 13900 has two significant figures unless it is written as 13900.0, where all zeros become significant. Adhering to these rules ensures consistency and precision in scientific communication and computation.

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A car's mass reported as 1159 kg suggests the last digit is an ______; for greater precision, it would be 1159.0 kg, indicating ______ significant figures.




Non-zero digits significance

All non-zero digits in a number are always significant.


Significance of zeros between non-zeros

Zeros between non-zero digits are significant.


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