The French Revolution's Committee of Public Safety, formed on April 6, 1793, played a pivotal role in guiding the nation through crisis and combating internal and external threats. It oversaw the Revolutionary Tribunal, which became infamous for its harsh judgments during the Reign of Terror. Key figures like Robespierre, Danton, and Marat were involved. The period saw the execution of Marie-Antoinette, the rise of the Montagnards, and the fall of the Girondins, culminating in the Thermidorian Reaction that ended the Terror.
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The Committee of Public Safety was formed to protect the newly established republic against internal and external threats during the French Revolution
Oversight of ministries
The Committee of Public Safety oversaw various ministries and guided the nation through the crisis of the French Revolution
Guidance through crisis
The Committee of Public Safety guided the nation through the tumultuous period of the French Revolution
The Revolutionary Tribunal was established as a judicial system during the French Revolution, known for its severe and often fatal judgments during the Reign of Terror
The radical Montagnard faction, supported by the sans-culottes and the Paris Commune, successfully ousted the moderate Girondins from the National Convention, leading to the Reign of Terror during the French Revolution
The Law of Suspects broadened the scope for arresting and prosecuting those suspected of anti-revolutionary activities during the Reign of Terror
The National Convention implemented radical policies such as the levée en masse and scorched earth policy to consolidate power and suppress resistance during the Reign of Terror
The execution of Marie-Antoinette symbolized the revolution's break from the monarchy and marked the apex of the Reign of Terror during the French Revolution
The National Convention asserted its authority by suppressing the Vendée rebellion and radical enragés during the Reign of Terror
Influential figures such as Maximilien Robespierre rose to prominence during the Reign of Terror, with Robespierre joining the Committee of Public Safety and becoming its most dominant member
The radical Hébertists were executed for conspiring to overthrow the government during the Reign of Terror
Georges Danton and his associates were arrested and executed for their perceived threats to the revolutionary ideals during the Reign of Terror