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United States Entry into World War I

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The United States' entry into World War I in 1917 marked a significant shift from neutrality to active engagement. Influenced by German aggression, such as the sinking of the Lusitania and the Zimmermann Telegram, American public opinion evolved to support the war. The U.S. mobilized millions and enacted key legislation, impacting the war's outcome and shaping post-war policies.

United States Entry into World War I

The United States formally entered World War I on April 6, 1917, after a period of neutrality since the conflict's commencement in July 1914. The U.S. had been an important supplier to the Allies, providing essential goods and financial loans, which indirectly contributed to the war effort. Upon entry, the U.S. rapidly expanded its military forces, eventually mobilizing over 4.7 million men and women. The nation experienced over 116,000 military deaths, including those from combat and the influenza pandemic. The federal government grew significantly during this period, taking on new roles in economic management and social regulation. President Woodrow Wilson envisioned the war as an opportunity to promote democratic values and international peace, despite facing considerable domestic opposition to U.S. involvement.
American soldier in World War I uniform in front of industrial landscape and military camp with tents.

American Mobilization and Military Involvement

The United States' mobilization of its economy and workforce for World War I was a monumental task that accelerated in 1918. Under the command of General John J. Pershing, American Expeditionary Forces (AEF) began to arrive in Europe and played a pivotal role on the Western Front. By the summer of 1918, the AEF's presence was substantial, with thousands of troops arriving daily to reinforce the beleaguered Allied armies. Domestically, the U.S. government enacted legislation such as the Selective Service Act to draft soldiers and the Lever Food and Fuel Control Act to manage wartime resources, demonstrating the government's increased involvement in directing the nation's war efforts.

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The ______ declared war and joined World War I on ______ after remaining neutral since the war began in ______.

United States

April 6, 1917

July 1914


During WWI, the U.S. became a key ______ to the Allies and provided ______ that indirectly supported the war efforts.


essential goods and financial loans


Under President ______, the U.S. saw the federal government expand its role, aiming to spread ______ and ensure ______.

Woodrow Wilson

democratic values

international peace


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